SnowLoad - Sensor - Why?

SnowLoad - the roof load scales

Snow load sensors or roof load sensors are used to measure the snow load respectively roof load automatically

Roof loads cause great risks to life and limb in people due to snow, ice or backwater, as was shown in the past by catastrophic roof collapses such as in Bad Reichenhall (Germany). The evacuation and decommissioning of public buildings, production sites or warehouses in industrial complexes is less spectacular, but nevertheless extremely costly. Roof collapses with significant damage to buildings and inventory as well as secondary damage with production downtime, loss of storage capacity and delivery delays cause extremely high costs, which can hardly be calculated.


Automatic snow load sensors are safe and avoid mistakes

The SnowLoad sensor SnowLoad D400 allows you to calculate this risk. Safe and continuous monitoring of the roof warns you in good time of imminent overload of the static system. You will be given the opportunity to initiate appropriate countermeasures and thus close buildings or buildings. to prevent evictions or at least to initiate them in good time. For more information, see "PRODUCT".

„But it doesn't snow that much anymore and certainly not with us“

According to the Federal Statistical Office, days with snow have declined due to climate change. However, there is an increased risk nationwide due to extreme weather conditions. Heavy rainfall caused by snow and / or rain has caused huge damage throughout Germany in recent years. An automatic warning can save lives and avoid damage.

„It should be enough to measure the snow depth“

The measurement of snow depth alone is absolutely not sufficient to determine the load on a roof. For example, 25 cm of loose new snow can be used for approx. 10kg/m2, the same high cardboard snow or wet rained snow can weigh up to 100kg/m2. SnowLoad determines the load on the surface regardless of snow density and at any time of day or night.

„The purchasing price of such a system is far too high"

The cost of purchasing a snow load sensor such as SnowLoad is low compared to the cost of a roof collapse at school, a logistic hall being blocked or the shopping center having to be evacuated. We don't even want to talk about image damage and costs caused by damage to life and limb.

So why SnowLoad Sensor?

  • Stainless steel sensor for a continuous detection and display of snow load in kg/m² or lb/ft².
  • SnowLoad sensor is easy to use, but still very safe.
  • Due to the own weight and the flat design, no fixation is required. The roof skin will not be damaged.
  • All settings on the device have already been made and checked by us.
  • All electrical connections are pluggable and make the installation possible even for laymen.
  • The installation can be carried out on almost all roof shapes.

Adaptable to your needs!

Whether you want to use SnowLoad as a self-sufficient snow load display or link the snow load value to the building control system or the alaram system, the SnowLoad snow load sensor already offers a variety of interfaces in the basic version, with the help of which you can easily integrate the system into an existing e. g. B. Home automation can be integrated. Options such as traffic light or SMS or e-mail alerting or/and cloud-based visualization are advanced levels that allow you to control the snow load and/or load. Always keep an eye on roof loads.

Photovoltaikanlage und Dachlast, (k)ein Problem!

Durch die Photovoltaikanlage ist nicht genug Dachlastreserve für die Schneelast vorhanden?

Eine Photovoltaikanlage ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, um umweltfreundliche Energie zu erzeugen und gleichzeitig Geld zu sparen. Die Solarmodule, die auf dem Dach montiert werden, belasten jedoch zusätzlich die Statik des Gebäudes. Beim Bau einer solchen Anlage ist es daher wichtig, die Dachlast zu berücksichtigen. Besonders die Schneelast – Reserve ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Realisierung einer Photovoltaikanlage oder eben nicht.

Unser  Schneelastsensor SnowLoad kann hierbei helfen, die Schneelast auf dem Dach zu überwachen. SnowLoad  kann in der Regel einfach auf einem Dach angebracht werden und misst kontinuierlich die Schneelast auf dem Dach. Wenn die Schneelast ein bestimmtes Niveau erreicht, kann der Sensor ein Alarmsignal auslösen, das den Eigentümer der Anlage oder einen Fachmann benachrichtigt. Auf diese Weise kann schnell gehandelt werden, um die Schneelast zu reduzieren und die Sicherheit des Gebäudes und der Solaranlage zu gewährleisten.


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