About Us


Our specialty is the development and manufacture of sensor and software systems that are particularly low-maintenance and long-term stable. Comprehensive expertise as well as many years of experience in the recording and processing of physical measurands characterize our work, which is tailored to the customer.

Our expertise in the field of traditional force and voltage analysis is supported by new technologies such as fiber optic sensors. This enables us to offer the best project solutions from an extensive portfolio of options. We focus on technical optimisation and cost-effectiveness.

We have developed the Snowload Roof Load Sensor based on the needs that customers have put to us: Is there a simple and inexpensive way to load roofs or roofs? Determine snow loads automatically? This is where our experience comes in: This resulted in a snow load sensor that is simple to use, inexpensive to purchase but still extremely solid. 

Feel free to contact us and learn more about our products and the opportunities that arise from them.

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